
Simple value generation


$ curl https://polygen.dev/api/generate -d 'string/names'
"Madeline Grady"

$ curl https://polygen.dev/api/generate -d 'string/words(some(person/name))'
"Erna Orn Alice Hickle Cleta Eichmann"


$ curl https://polygen.dev/api/generate -d 'float/32'

$ curl https://polygen.dev/api/generate -d 'int'

Using guards

Guards are a suffix to the generators you've used above. You separate them with : and you can use it multiple times (as long as it's applicable).

This generates a number between 10 and 30:

$ curl https://polygen.dev/api/generate -d 'int:gt(10):lt(30)'

More complex forms

Return will either be a "baby", a "child" or the age of the adult. (~33.3% likelihood of generating either)

$ curl https://polygen.dev/api/generate -d 'or("baby", "child", int/u8:lt(128))'