

Polygen randomly generates JSON documents. You provide an input specification, describing the desired structure of your output, and Polygen will generate a document that satisfies that specification. Polygen specifications are written in a superset of JSON, extended with generators and some special forms (described below).

A simple request you can try:

$ curl https://polygen.dev -d '{ age: int:gt(17):lt(55) }'

which generates the following result:

{ "age": 32 }



Polygen optimises for speed and simplicity. You should expect low latency responses (though we don't provide any guarantees yet). The spec language is made from a small number of building blocks that can be composed to describe arbitrarily complex documents.


Our API either returns verbatim JSON or a structured error (also in JSON). Any 4XX or 5XX status code should be considered an error and should be parsed as such. See the errors section for more info.

POST /api/generate


Generate a JSON document from the given spec.

Request body

  "name": "Ada",
  "age": int:gt(17):lt(55)


  "name": "Ada",
  "age": 18


Errors are JSON objects with at least the keys error_type and error_message. error_type is an enum with at least the following variants:

  • parse_error
  • type_error
  • generate_error
  • internal_error

error_message will contain more information about the error in a human-readable format.

Status codes

Error responses use the HTTP status codes 400, 422 and 500. A 400 response indicates a problem with the spec you provided: it could not be parsed, it failed to typecheck, etc. A 422 response indicates that the spec was technically valid but we could not generate a value from it. This is usually because your guards are too strict - Polygen attempts to detect this before generation but it doesn't catch all cases. A 500 response indicates a bug in Polygen or a temporary loss of availability. You can safely retry your request after a while.


All responses from the /api/generate endpoint will return a X-Polygen-Seed header containing the seed used when generating that response. You can specify this header in requests to fix the seed, which can be useful for reproducing specific examples or debugging unexpected output.


>> Input format

The API accepts input in a custom format which is a superset of JSON. Any valid JSON value is a valid Polygen input. In addition, we support the following additional features:

  • Trailing commas are permitted in arrays and objects.
  • Quotes around object keys are optional.
  • Generators may be specified by writing their name verbatim.
  • The special forms or, many and some.

For example, the following document is a valid Polygen input:

  message: string/sentences,
  created_at: datetime/rfc3339,
  id: int,
  visibility: or("public", "private"),

This defines a JSON object with four fields. The field message will have a value populated by the generator string/sentences. created_at will be populated by the generator datetime/rfc3339, and so on. The field visibility will have either the value "public" or "private".

Here is an example output for this specification:

  "message":"ducimus reprehenderit quae voluptates libero et sit iste.",

>> Special forms

There are three special forms that can be used in the input format.


    or("public", "private", 1, true, null, string/ascii)

or takes one or more arguments and randomly selects one of them to use as the output. The arguments can be any valid input element, including literal JSON, generators and special forms.



some takes a single argument and produces an array containing one or more elements generated from the argument. The argument can be any valid input element.



many is like some, but it can produce an empty array.

>> Generators

Name Description Example
address/city generate a city name "Luxemburg, Luxembourg"
colors/hex generate a RGB hex color "#1D3570"
colors/hexa generate a RGBA hex color "#977E41C1"
colors/hsl generate HSL color using functional notation "hsl(-342deg, 46%, 97%)"
colors/hsla generate HSL color using functional notation "hsla(-220deg, 84%, 0%, 64%)"
colors/name generate a CSS color name "plum"
colors/rgb generate RGB color using functional notation "rgb(12, 228, 29)"
colors/rgba generate RGBA color using functional notation "rgba(187, 106, 28, 14%)"
country/flag generate a country flag "🇷🇺"
country/iso2 generate a country alpha-2 code "GT"
country/iso3 generate a country alpha-3 code "MUS"
country/name generate a country name "North Macedonia"
country/name/full generate a country name - official name "Republic of Tajikistan"
country/uk/nin generate a UK national insurance number "SK480754D"
country/undp generate a UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) country code "ECU"
country/us/ssn generate a US social security number "493-26-0471"
date/iso8601 generate an ISO8601 date "0893-02-08"
datetime/duration generate a string holding a duration represented as a ISO 8601 duration "P6024Y4M8DT20H32M20S"
datetime/rfc3339 generate an RFC3339 datetime "1681-10-07T16:43:08.746331208+00:00"
datetime/unix generate a string holding a UNIX timestamp (seconds since January 1 1970) "6305400"
encoding/base64 generate a base64 encoded string "RGF2b250ZSBHcmVlbmZlbGRlcg=="
encoding/hex generate a hex encoded string "31"
filesystem/filename generate a filesystem filename "deserunt_quisquam.akm"
filesystem/filetype_ext generate a filetype extension "bas"
filesystem/path generate a filesystem path (UNIX) "/usr/include/quo"
float/32 generate a 32 bit float -2.147869451744849e38
float/64 generate a 64 bit float -2.4042637122532496e307
int generate an int 7131385927127310
int/even generate an even int 1620042622682827310
int/i16 generate an signed 16 bit int -3159
int/i32 generate an signed 32 bit int 715961504
int/i64 generate an signed 64 bit int -2146243875700030455
int/i8 generate an signed 8 bit int -32
int/odd generate an odd int -8312505006267318205
int/u16 generate an unsigned 16 bit int 63778
int/u32 generate an unsigned 32 bit int 229690509
int/u64 generate an unsigned 64 bit int 15156200289745674649
int/u8 generate an unsigned 8 bit int 119
internet/email generate an email address "judd_magnam@yahoo.com"
internet/http_status_code generate HTTP status code "418 I'm a teapot"
internet/ipv4 generate IPv4 address ""
internet/ipv6 generate IPv6 address "B6AB:CD48:B74:1B7F:EAF5:2CE6:6B58:5AE2"
internet/mac generate MAC address "CB:03:44:76:A3:C9"
internet/user_agent generate a HTTP User Agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36"
person/age generate age of a human being 96
person/name generate a person's name "Betsy Streich"
person/title generate a person's formal title "Mr"
string generate a UTF-8 string "󲯩"
string/alphanum generate a string of alphanumeric characters ""
string/ascii generate a string of (printable) ASCII characters ""
string/concat concatenate an array of strings into a single string "abc"
string/concat_with concatenate an array of strings into a single string, separated by the given separator "a, b, c"
string/emoji generate an emoji "🔝"
string/names generate names (1 or more, separated by a comma) "Celestine Balistreri"
string/sentences generate sentences (1 or more, terminating in a '.' and separated by a space) "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.."
string/words generate words from an array of words "lorem ipsem dolor sit amet"

>> Guards

Some generators can be suffixed with guards, which constrain the range of values they can produce. Guards are written directly after the generator, separated by a colon. For example, the input int/u8:gt(0):lt(10) generates an integer between 1 and 9.

Name Description Example
lt Set the upper bound of the generator int/float64:lt(3.2)
gt Set the lower bound of the generator int/even:gt(2)
eq Set the only acceptable value produced by the generator int/odd:eq(7)